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Is Purified Water the Same as Distilled Water?

In “is purified water the same as distilled water” article explain what is the difference between purified water and distilled water. So, purified water and distilled water are clean and safe water to drink or to use in your process.

is purified water the same as distilled water

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is water that has been heated to the boiling water point so that impurities are separated from the water, which itself becomes vapor or steam. So, steam is then condensed back into pure liquid form. The impurities remain as residue and are removed. Hence, Pure Water Distillation Systems remove waterborne biological contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, organic and inorganic chemicals, heavy metals, volatile gases, cysts and other contaminants. Distilled water contains virtually no solids, minerals (minerals like calcium and magnesium) or trace elements. It is clean, natural and healthy accordingly.

What Are the 3 Steps of Distillation?

Process of distillation generally involves three main steps:

  • The conversion of the desired liquid from a mixture into vapour.
  • The condensation of the purified liquid.
  • The collection of the condensed liquid.

What is Purified Water?

Purified water is water that has been effectively filtered in order to remove various impurities from the water. Meanwhile, purification process can be done by multi-media filters, carbon filters, ion exchange water softeners, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, electrodeionization EDI or combination of these filter methods. So, Water Purification is processed to remove unwanted organic and inorganic matters from your water. As a result, your water is safe to drink or use in your process.

What is the Differences Between Purified Water vs. Distilled Water?

Purified water is often confused with filtered water. So, many people believe the two terms to be synonymous, but this is not the case. While both types of water are subject to some sort of filtration (as is almost every spring water), purified water is cleansed and purified through additional purification processes, typically reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization accordingly. So, the resultant product, “purified” water, is of significantly higher purity than either spring water, tap water, or filtered water.

Distilled and Purified Water uses different process. To get distilled water, need evaporation and condenstation process. To get purified water need reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration or electrodeionization process accordingly.

Water Types/Characteristics Purified Water Distilled Water

Collection process

Collected from any surface or underground water source, including tap
Collected from any surface or underground water source, including tap

Treatment Methods

Human-made filtration processes like reverse osmosis, flocculation, distillation, disinfection, etc.
Distillation, in which the water is boiled until it’s vapor and then cooled down to return to its liquid state


Contaminant-free thanks to the rigorous filtration processes the water goes through
Distillation removes all impurities since impure elements can’t find any solid molecules to cling to when the water is vapor

Mineral content

Filtration technologies like reverse osmosis remove all minerals from water
Completely devoid of minerals since mineral ions can’t find anything to cling to when the water is turned to vapor


Tasteless (or has a neutral, bland, flat taste)
Tasteless (or has a neutral, bland, flat taste)


Regulated under guidelines set by the EPA and FDA
Regulated under guidelines set by the EPA and FDA

What Is Distilled Water Used For?

Distilled water is used for sterilizing medical equipment, lead-acid batteries, automotive cooling systems, and other devices where mineral buildup would cause damage. So, the absence of other minerals and contaminants makes it ideal for use in skin products, canning products, and cleaning laboratory equipment.

  • For cosmetic use: Most cosmetic products contain water that needs to be microbe, toxin, and pollutant-free, making distilled water the best choice.
  • In lead-acid batteries and automotive cooling systems: Distilled water is suitable for use in devices where mineral deposits could cause corrosion and build-up that interferes with operations. This includes lead-acid batteries and automotive cooling systems, as well as many types of industrial equipment.
  • Medical Uses: The high purity level of distilled water makes it ideal for sterilizing medical instruments, as it does not leave residue or deposits. It is used by surgeons to sterilize and prevent infections and cross-contamination, and by emergency personnel to clean wounds. Dentists use distilled water to rinse the mouth and wash away bacteria. Distilled water is also preferred in Continuous Positive
  • Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines, as it prevents bacteria from breeding.
    In the food industry: Distilled water is used in the canning process to ensure the food’s flavor remains the same. Salts and minerals in non-distilled water types could alter flavors accordingly.
  • In Fish Tanks and Aquariums: Tap water contains minerals and chemicals that might be harmful to fish in an aquarium. Hence, distilled water serves as a neutral form of water whose qualities such as pH or salinity can be adjusted to the needs of whatever aquatic life is being maintained.

What is Purified Water Used For?

Main usage of Purified Water is for drinking. But, purified water is clean and safe so it can be used in home, bottle water production, food industry, beverage industry, pharmaceutical industry, textile industry, power plant, cooling tower, power plant, electronic industry where you need clean water accordingly.

What is the TDS level of Distilled Water and Purified Water?

TDS is not a direct measurement of harmful substances or pollutants. So, TDS is simply a measure of the substances dissolved inorganic maters in water. Th unit is ppm means parts per million. Distilled water has a TDS of 0.5 ppm or less. The ocean or sea has a TDS of 30,000 ppm. Good or bad TDS is relative to the water being tested. TDS is a helpful parameter for monitoring the general water quality of a known source of water accordingly.

Purified water TDS level can be change as regards to water source and design of water purification system. For example, sea water reverse osmosis system can produce less than 500ppm, if you need more pure water, you can use double pass reverse osmosis system and you can reach to less than 20ppm.

Can You Drink Distilled Water?

Yes, you can drink distilled water. However, you might not like the taste because it’s flatter and less flavorful than tap and bottled waters.

Companies produce distilled water by boiling water and then condensing the collected steam back into a liquid. So, this process removes impurities and minerals from the water.

Some sources claim that drinking distilled water will help detoxify your body and improve your health. Meanwhile, others claim distilled water leaches minerals from your body and could put your health at risk. In reality, neither of these claims is entirely true.

Commercial Reverse Osmosis System

Reverse Osmosis is a water purification process in which feed water is processed through a membrane. So, this membrane stops contaminated water, cleaning solutions and undissolved materials from passing through. Hence, the clean water is sent along to the point of use and the contaminants are discharged to a drain. So, the process, combined with pre-filtration, is able to remove 90 to 99.99% of the dissolved impurities that reside in your water.

Types of Reverse Osmosis Systems

Capacity Range: 2m3 to 72m3/Day
Membrane Diameter: 2.5″-4″
Working Pressure: 150psi
Feed Water TDS: 0-2000ppm

Capacity Range: 2m3 to 72m3/Day
Membrane Diameter: 2.5″-4″
Working Pressure: 150 to 250psi
Feed Water TDS: 1000 to 10.000ppm

Capacity Range: 2m3 to 38m3/Day
Membrane Diameter: 2.5″-4″
Working Pressure: 700-1000psi
Feed Water TDS: 20000-40000ppm

What is the Best Water Purification System?

Reverse osmosis works by moving water through a semipermeable membrane to filter out and flush away any contaminants. So, reverse osmosis systems are best suited for domestic, commercial and industrial use and provide a highly efficient way to purify your drinking water or process water at home or in your production for any type of water source accordingly.

Chunke is professional Water Purification System from China to get pure water. Our advanced water treatment systems remove dirts, bacteria, viruses and unwanted matters. We solve your all water problem. If you have question or need quotation, please fill in our form and our technical sales team contacts with you in 24 hours.

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